This week on NBC news they spoke about Pfizer and the known side effects of Bextra, a Cox 2 Inhibitor, that is similar to Vioxx (Merck and Co.) and Celebrex. It was shown to cause heart attack and stroke in preliminary studies and could cause Steven Johnson Syndrome. It has also been found at times be fatal and very painful skin disorder that can cause skin blisters and sloughs off. Vioxx was taken off the market in 2004 after a study confirmed that it raises heart problems… Read More »
Myers’ Cocktail is an intravenous blend of vitamins and minerals. The Myers Cocktail consists of magnesium, calcium, B12, B6, B complex, and vitamin C. These nutrients are injected directly into the bloodstream to improve energy capacity and cell function. This blend facilitates cell functionality allowing patients to be more likely to recover from acute and chronic conditions such as fatigue, depression, asthma and more… Read More »
Your weekly MIC blends are a highly-absorbable combination of minerals, vitamins and amino acids your body needs to maintain energy and function at its best. The MIC includes vitamins that aid in fat-burning, making it an important part of your weight loss plan… Read More »