EmSculpt is a super effective body sculpting treatment that delivers better results than even the toughest gym workout. Imagine doing 20,000 squats or sit-ups in a single session – impossible for most, but EmSculpt achieves this with each treatment, making weak muscles firmer and stronger. One of the standout benefits is that it boosts metabolism. A higher metabolism means more calories burned and faster weight loss.

Some patients have seen a five-fold increase in fat metabolism, providing a powerful jump-start to shedding unwanted fat. EmSculpt is also completely non-invasive, meaning no surgery, incisions, or anesthesia. Since it requires no recovery time, patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment.

For those with a busy lifestyle, the time efficiency of EmSculpt is ideal. Each session lasts just 30 minutes, and there’s no downtime afterward. Four sessions equates to 16 weeks in the gym! Finally, EmSculpt delivers enhanced aesthetic results, particularly in the glutes, where it provides a lifted, more rounded appearance without the need for implants or surgery.

The Benefits of EmSculpt: Non-Invasive, Effective, and Time-Efficient Body Sculpting

This info-graphic titled ‘The most common Rejuvenation procedures’ provides us an overview of common rejuvenation techniques. Facial rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment, often involves a series of cosmetic treatments, that has an objective of restoring a youthful appearance to the human face. Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through either surgical or non-surgical methods. There are various procedures, that vary in invasiveness and extent of treatment. You should always research your options. Many medical spas provide consultations free of cost, you can always take advantage of them. Most people find their choices are limited either by amount of money or time, or both in many cases.
Fortunately, irregularities like wrinkles, acne scars, freckles and sunspots, and cellulite can all be mended using the rejuvenation method. These processes are designed to improve the appearance of your skin, including skin care products, non-surgical treatments, and in-office methods. The goal of all of skin rejuvenation is always to reveal younger, smoother, lustrous skin. For more detail, please refer to the info-graphic below.

The most common Rejuvenation procedures
The most common Rejuvenation procedures

There is much debate, dating back to the 1950s, regarding chelation and improving cardiovascular disease. Smaller studies have shown its benefit in the past and many still believe the risk to outweigh the benefit. However, in review of the literature, the risks occurred mainly when too large of a dose or too fast of an infusion of medication (Disodium EDTA) was used… Read More »

Everyone is searching for a quick fix for weight loss and there are so many proposed diets out there: Body for Life, The Macrobiotic Diet, The Abs Diet, Eating for your Blood type, The SouthBeach Diet, The 17 Day Diet, Nutri-Systems, and the new Dukan Diet, to name a few. With so many options, it can get confusing… Read More »

This week on NBC news they spoke about Pfizer and the known side effects of Bextra, a Cox 2 Inhibitor, that is similar to Vioxx (Merck and Co.) and Celebrex. It was shown to cause heart attack and stroke in preliminary studies and could cause Steven Johnson Syndrome. It has also been found at times be fatal and very painful skin disorder that can cause skin blisters and sloughs off… Read More »

Summer is coming to an end. But, let’s not be fooled into thinking it’s okay to stop wearing our sunscreen. The greatest thing you can do for your skin is to protect it from the damaging rays of the sun throughout all the seasons. However, many of us are misled in the effectiveness of our sunscreen… Read More »

Prevention of woman’s most feared cancer: Breast Cancer.

It has been estimated that Breast Cancer affects 70 million women today. One in 8 or more are being diagnosed yearly. The treatment can be disfiguring surgery, illness provoking chemotherapy, uncomfortable radiation and hormone inhibition… Read More »

Peel Treatment are a category of advanced clinical skin rejuvenation treatments that aid in reversing damaged skin due to factors such as aging, sun exposure, and acne.

Noble Center for Healthy Aging offers gentle, light to medium range peels, and physician supervised medical grade peels… Read More »

Occasionally every skin type becomes needy. If your skin appears dull and less smooth than usual incorporate facials treatments monthly to your routine. Your skin will look and feel smoother, refined and radiant with healthy facials. A good facial routine is necessary to a healthy skin. Keep in mind that skin care is not only about face, but neck, décolleté and back also… Read More »